Hey! Nice to meet you!
I’m Chalene.
Ya know that crazy difficult
thing that you went through?
That valley you were once in?
That thing you finally figured out?
I want to show you how your mess can be
your greatest success! Every twist of your
life has the potential to serve as a positive
impact on the lives of others and I’m devoted
to showing you how to make that happen.
I was raised to believe it was okay to make a mess, take risks and color outside the lines.
A Michigan girl, I grew up playing hide and seek in fields of corn, riding motorcycles, building forts in the woods, summers water skiing, winters snow skiing and surrounded by supportive, loving parents who were, and still are, deeply in love. (Rare...I know.)
The oldest of three, my Dad was the epitome of solopreneurship and my Mom his biggest fan. They role modeled unwavering positive attitudes, and the mindset of abundance.
As kids when we begged for the latest gadget or must-have, unlike other parents, ours didn’t say things like, “Well, money doesn't grow on trees” or “We can’t afford that. “ Instead, they offered creative ideas and possible solutions centered around the belief that we could find a way to
earn the money ourselves.
In 4th grade, I told my Dad I wanted a pair
of rollerskates. He responded, “Fun! Let’s
sit down and figure out how much they
cost and how you can find ways to earn
the money!” The message was if we
wanted something, we should
create a plan, follow through
and make it a reality.
create a plan, follow through
& make it a reality.
When I announced at age 15 that I intended to be the first person on either side of my family to attend college, my father suggested I use the money I had earned over the years to buy an old car, fix it up, re-sell it and make a profit. My first “flip” was an orange El Camino. I jacked up the back end, painted her black, shinned her up like a diamond and promptly doubled my money!
I did that again, and again until I had saved enough money to pay for my first year at Michigan State University.
Like lots of struggling college students, I worked a variety of jobs to fund my tuition and support myself.
I waitressed. I worked as a paralegal. I sold knives door to door. I worked as a telemarketer, and even a Coors Light girl (which was the worst!) But it was the money I earned flipping cars that really gave me the flexibility I needed as a student.
The problem was coordinating test drives with perspective buyers with my overly scheduled calendar. As a 20 year old female, Meeting strangers (often after dark) wasn’t just inconvenient, it was unsafe.
I soon realized others were experiencing the same challenges coordinating a private vehicle sale. Solving this problem became my first legitimate business, and thus, the ‘All Michigan Auto Swap Meet’ was born. I leased an acre of land from the state and on the first Saturday of the month, I brought together private sellers with private owners in one convenient location. The experience of building and selling that venture taught me that
most great business
ideas start by solving
your own problem.
After college I moved to California, worked full-time as a paralegal and studied to take the LSAT. Convinced that I was supposed to do something with my college degree (a BA in Justice, Morality and Constitutional Democracy) I tried to ignore the fact that I was bored to tears and really didn’t want to be an attorney.
At night and in the early hours before the office opened, I devoted my time to my entrepreneurial endeavors; personal training, creating fitness workouts and selling e-books to teach others how to start their own business.
By this time I had been married for just a few years to my college sweetheart. Bret and we were doing everything we could to spend as much time with our first child, Brock. Working from home was a top priority. But the process of figuring that out had turned me into a sleep-deprived maniac mom, juggling a dozen different money making ideas with the notion that I could do it all. I believed if I just worked harder, I could make more money.
It wasn’t working.
I was desperate to get something to pop, but the only thing that was working was me… around the clock.
I struggled with the uncertainty. I felt like all of my ventures had potential and I was afraid to zero in on just one. I was passionate about the workshops I was teaching on marketing. I loved designing workout programs. Selling e-books about personal training was just starting to take off. I thought that if I focused on just one, I would miss an opportunity. But none of these ventures were truly successful and I was losing confidence.
I believed that if I found my “true passion” the profits would follow. But I had true passion for all of these things.
My multi-passionate pursuits was resulting in a mountain of debt and self-doubt. Now the financial strain and stress that comes with it took a toll on our marriage.
Then a mentor put it to me straight, “Get focused. If you want to be successful, you have to become known for one thing first.”
It was time to choose.
My heart told me to go “all in” on the thing I had the most passion for, but the debt we were facing and my bruised ego needed something certain. So I chose to focus on the thing that had the most immediate potential. I chose fitness.
(Important take-away)
I loved fitness, but it wasn’t my life’s passion. I had created a solution for other instructors by creating pre-designed workouts complete with the choreography and music to match at an affordable price point. There was nothing like it and the demand was staggering. While I knew I could always return to those other ideas, I couldn’t ignore the timing. We went all in.
Within two years, my first fitness business, Powder Blue Productions became our million dollar baby, and it just kept on growing.
Powder Blue Productions created workouts, music, certifications, training, motivational camps, clothing and accessories.
Before long, my brand of group fitness workouts caught the attention of infomercial marketers. We signed our first T.V. contract and marketed directly to consumers.
Ironically, I never felt entirely like I belonged in the fitness industry. Imposter syndrome would be an understatement. Running our own ever-expanding fitness company and partnering with an infomercial giant, (Beachbody) while simultaneously trying to be home and present for my kids, began to take a toll on me. Physically I was there, but mentally I was living on the edge of collapse.
To honor my commitment to being a hands-on mom, I woke up most days around 4:30 am. Once the kids were up, I did my best to split focus between tea parties and purchase orders. Bathtime and bedtime was followed up by 4 to 6 hours of work into the late hours of the night. I pulled more all-nighters in that season than I care to admit.
I wasn’t sleeping, my metabolism and adrenals were shot. I was tired and wired, which doesn’t make for the most present marital partner. Bret and I were building our business together, both running 100 miles per hour, which allowed a distance to grow between us that neither of us had the time to notice, until it was almost too late. (I’ll save that story for a blog post :>)
That hamster on a treadmill existence continued for years. When I looked around at other entrepreneurial couples, they too seemed overwhelmed by chaos and commitment. I convinced myself that this must be what success feels like.
I was wrong.
To maintain my status as one of the nation’s most recognized health experts, while also trying to win Mom of the Year, I overtrained my body and regularly pushed myself past the point of mental exhaustion. I had to keep a strict schedule and an even stricter diet. To do so, I survived on minimal sleep, pre-dawn workouts and packaged protein shakes. My days were filled with the responsibilities of a Mom/ CEO.
But eventually reality catches up…
My body began breaking down, I had constant injuries, mood swings and debilitating brain fog. At the urging of my friend, Dr. Daniel Amen, I scheduled a brain scan, nutritional panel and hormone testing. Despite my status as a “health expert,” testing revealed I was deficient in almost every essential nutrient. I was in an adrenal shut down, my brain was showing signs of cognitive decline and toxicity, and it was on that day that I was diagnosed with ADHD.
My past experiences finally made so much sense to me. That was the wake-up call I needed.
I had done it! I had done what my mentor had suggested, I had become known for one thing. That focus and dedication brought me the financial success that I desired, but now it was time to revisit my passions. My life had new meaning and with that kind of challenge we often discover new purpose.
It was time to take a break from the fitness industry and shift my focus to teaching easily distracted people, like myself, how to get organized and prioritize those things that truly bring health and happiness.
Let me remind you that this new phase of my life and business was only possible because I first disciplined myself to focus on one thing first. But now I had the experience, funding and the notoriety to serve in new ways.
Since that time Bret and I sold our fitness companies and have gone on to become 8-figure earners in a wide variety of business ventures from physical products and productivity tools, to online academies, best-selling books and top rated lifestyle and business podcasts.
Most of all we’ve learned the importance of pace and how to prioritize peace.
I’ve always been obsessed with business and marketing. I’ve often said that the reason our various business endeavors have been successful isn’t because of my industry knowledge, but rather my knowledge around marketing.
I TRULY LOVE helping people create and market a business. I want to show you that your life doesn’t have just one purpose, it has many. You don’t have to do one thing for the rest of your life, but you do need to pick one to get started.
You just have to pick!
You were meant to be here.
You were meant to read this.
We were meant to meet.
I am an educator at heart. Embracing that has allowed me to take whatever challenge God places in my path and use it to serve others. I want to help you identify that thing, that ONE THING you need to focus on at this moment and show you how to create something special.
meet bret
the husband & Coach
the husband & Coach
the husband & Coach
the husband & Coach
(the husband & coach)
Hey! I’m Bret Johnson, the
other half of Team Johnson.
I was born and raised in Southern California. In high school, which was along, time ago ; ) I was one of the most highly recruited quarterbacks in the nation, going on to start as a Freshman for UCLA before transferring to play football for Michigan State University.
One night a couple guys on the team took me out for drinks. I spotted a petite blonde in a mini skirt with black cowboy boots on the dance floor. I asked for her number and a few years later I asked her to marry me. To this day, I still call her my bride.
I’ve always been a leader and competitive athlete, so naturally I was drawn to entrepreneurship from the moment I met Chalene. She was different. Her mind went a million miles per minute. ( I think she was the last person to realize she had ADHD) . With that, Chalene has always brought creativity and an endless stream of ideas to our businesses. It took several years of working together before finally understanding how well our strengths and weaknesses compliment each other.
At Team Johnson, Chalene comes up with the ideas, and I create the game plan. She places personnel and I project sales and cash flow. Chalene does the talking and teaching while I strategize launches and manage profitability. It’s our partnership that makes our success possible, but it’s a deeply shared love and respect that allows us to prioritize happiness above anything else.
Together we have raised two incredible humans, Brock and Cierra. They too are entrepreneurs and we happily try to give them businesses they haven’t asked for! We’ve also built several multimillion-dollar lifestyle companies and had a lot of fun helping countless others do the same.
Today I manage the day-to-day operations for several of our businesses including strategy, forecasting, production, agency management, event planning, profitability, logistics, and of course, shoe selection for Chalene’s appearances. (I’m really good at shoes).
At Team Johnson, Chalene comes up with the ideas, and I create the game plan.
She places personnel and I project sales and cash flow. Chalene does the talking and the teaching while I strategize the launch and manage profitability. It is our partnership that makes our success possible, but it is a deeply shared love and respect that allows us to prioritize happiness above anything else.
Together we have raised two incredible humans, Brock and Cierra. They too are entrepreneurs and we happily try to give them businesses they haven’t asked for! We have also built several multimillion-dollar lifestyle companies and had a lot of fun helping countless others do the same.
Today I manage the day-to-day operations for several of our businesses including strategy, forecasting, production, agency management, event planning, profitability, logistics, and of course, shoe selection for Chalene’s appearances. (I’m really good at shoes!)
meet cierra
(the daughter & visionary)
(the daughter & visionary)
(the daughter & visionary)
(the daughter & visionary)
(the daughter & visionary)
Hi! I’m Cierra. I’m Team Johnson’s in-house
graphic designer (AKA creative visionary).
I put my magic touch on everything you see, from programs to products, and everything in between!
My approach to designing is rooted in my studies at FIDM, where I graduated with a degree in Visual Communication, but is also a curation of creative research and finding inspiration everywhere.
Not surprisingly, the entrepreneurial spirit
runs deep in our family –
I wrote my first book fckrunning when I
was 18 years old, and I’m currently
developing a Clean Beauty unisex makeup
brand – stay tuned! Rumor has it, I’m the
favorite child (sorry, Brock) but just like
everyone else in our family, I bring my A-
game to the table every damn day, and
we do it all for YOU!
meet brock
(The Son & Social Media Guru)
(The Son & Social Media Guru)
(The Son & Social Media Guru)
(The Son & Social Media Guru)
(The Son & Social Media Guru)
Hi! I’m Brock. Well, I’m sure you
won’t be surprised to hear me say that
building businesses is in my blood.
I created my first course “Unwrap Snap ” while still in college, and today I’m proud to say I am a 7-figure earner, top podcaster, co-creator of the InstaClubHub, and happily enjoying the laptop life with my wife, Taylor and our two Instafamous dogs, @Messa_Mila and Schatzi.
There’s truly nothing like being able to share your gifts and passions with others, no matter what the industry or arena. I once thought I would never experience the same high or opportunity to lead that I felt as a Quarterback playing college football at UC Davis.
But teaching business and marketing allows me to experience both those things on a daily basis (and I don’t have to wear a helmet). I’m also the co-host of the Build Your Tribe, Podcast and I’ve spoken live on many stages across the country.
There’s a big, beautiful world out there – when I’m not grinding for Team Johnson and my own businesses, you’ll find me road-tripping across the US in an airstream with Taylor and our dogs. Oh, and rumor has it, I’m the favorite child ; )
These are my Personal Policies
They might not make sense to you,
but these rules allow me to be my best.
– God is in everything I do.
– I don’t do things for the money…
It has to make me happy.
– I make decisions by asking
“will this bring me peace?”
– Family comes first. Period.
– Beware – I can spot phony networking
and opportunists from a mile away.
– My ADHD is my superpower!
I see details others miss.
– It’s almost impossible to offend me.
– I don’t care to hang out with people
who brag or name drop (boring!).
– Mornings are for my mojo. I don’t
do work stuff until after 11 am.
– I love what I do, so I do it every
day (usually 7 days a week).
– Always be honest, always.
– I am quick to forgive if
you’re quick to own your part.
– I am loyal to a fault.
– I exercise on the days I want to
be creative and happy (so everyday).
join our tribe!
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we promise you only good stuff.
and we always find ways to hook you up in the P.S. section.