Podcast – Breast Implants and Slut Shaming | CarSmart Edition

First, an apology for any hysteria my Wednesday podcast may have created for any woman with Breast Implants. In hindsight, I should have given you more information, provided additional resources and explained why there is so much controversy around this topic. I didn’t do that. As such, I received countless messages from women in sheer panic mode.

Today, I share with you additional details, a variety of causes you may want to consider and what to do if you suspect your implants may be causing an autoimmune response.

In this episode, I also share my personal decision as well as my experience breast-feeding after breast implants.

Scroll to the bottom for additional resources on Breast Implant Illness.



Fitness Porn 

I posted an IGTV video this week wherein I attempted to make the point that women in the fitness industry, especially young women just starting out, need to be aware that they do not have to post sexual content to “make it“ in the fitness industry.  Personally I think it’s gotten out of hand. My fear as someone whose been in the industry for 30 years is that women think the only way to inspire or reach other women is by posting half naked videos. Now if that’s just who you are…great…Go for it! But if you’re doing it for likes and it’s not how you dress or behave in your everyday life – you’re not being authentic.

Here’s the full video

My message suggested that those who find the soft porn or overly sexualized content on Instagram triggering or offensive should just stop looking, likings and following those kind of accounts.

The overwhelming response was positive and in support of the message but a few people felt that I was attacking other women or “slut shaming”.

Slut-shaming is the practice of criticizing women and girls, who are perceived to violate expectations of behavior and appearance regarding issues related to sexuality. The term is used to reclaim the word slut and empower women and girls to have agency over their own sexuality.

I take feedback very well. And after re-watching my video I can see how my tone may have sounded judgmental. I appreciate those people who pointed this out to me in the most respectful way. And that is why I wanted to address the topic on today’s show.   




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A great investigative news report on BII

Research on BII 2019

Information regarding BII

FDA Warning A

FDA Warning B

New York Times Report 2019

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If you liked this episode, check out Episode #411 – Breast Implant Illness and CBD Oil with Angie Lee

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