Should I Fast? | Top Questions & Major Fasting Mistakes to Avoid with Dr. Valter Longo

Fasting for Longevity

Why are people suddenly intrigued by fasting? Are people fasting for the right reasons? Do people know why fasting is so beneficial before they try it out? We have a special guest on this episode to answer all those questions and more! Dr. Valter Longo of USC is a leading expert and researcher in the area of metabolism and fasting science, with his science based on autophagy. You’ll learn from Dr. Longo why fasting is so popular now and how you can go about fasting for longevity and overall health.

Dr. Valter Longo is a researcher and Best Selling Author of the book The Longevity Diet, and his research targets stem cell activation and regeneration. In this episode, Dr. Longo breaks down why people are so intrigued by fasting today. He shows the cellular benefits of fasting as well as how one can use fasting for longevity. You’ll also hear about all the different types of fasts, including fasts WITH food. Yes… you heard me right. Most importantly, you’ll learn why there is a difference between fasting and simply cutting back on calories AND why one is extremely detrimental to your metabolism.

fasting for longevity

What You Will Learn In This Podcast About Fasting for Longevity:

  • Why are people suddenly intrigued by fasting? (3:00)
  • Fasting for longevity explained. Why longevity and nutrition are very complex. (4:10)
  • The difference between fasting and calorie restriction. (7:25)
  • The common mistake when it comes to fasting and refeeding. (10:25)
  • How frequently should a healthy individual be fasting? (11:45)
  • What is a fast mimicking diet and how does it work? (14:07)
  • The potential positive and negative effects of fasting. (20:30)


Honestly… you really should just listen to this episode to hear Dr. Longo’s beautiful Italian accent, BUT I do promise you that once you listen in.. you’ll be hooked by all that he teaches and is passionate about. He has dedicated his whole education to his research and currently stands as THE go-to guy if you have any questions regarding fasting for longevity. He has helped my team and I so much when it comes to the research behind the 131 Method, and I don’t even know where to begin to thank him. He’s simply brilliant and we’re beyond lucky to have him on the show!

Important Links from the Show

To read more about Dr. Valter Longo and his dedicated research, check out… Valter Longo Foundation.

Find Dr. Valter Longo’s book The Longevity Diet on Amazon!


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If you liked this episode on fasting, check out Episode 313 – Fasting for PMS and Reproductive Health.


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