How to Handle Rejection and Judgement of Your Product or Service

Today, I answer a question about rejection – how do we cope with it? You’ll hear me talk  about some times in my life that I’ve been rejected and how I used those moments to my advantage. It’s not always easy, but it’s very important. Being rejected is an opportunity to propel yourself forward! After a “no”, you have new information and new experiences that you can use to adjust your pitch or your approach. Rejections are a necessary part of your path towards success – so, take a moment and listen to my four tips for using rejection to fuel you.

Four Tricks for Turning “Rejection” into “Projection”

1) Don’t take it personally.

It’s easy to think that people are personally rejecting you, but business is business. These are business transactions and it’s important to remember that there are so many moving parts outside of you. It’s not a direct rejection of you – you’re still cool.

2) Expect rejection.

People are going to say “No.” Once you realize that, you can learn to actually seek out rejection – more rejections, means more opportunities for “yes”!

3) Review rejection.

Take a moment and analyze if there’s anything you can do that might turn a “No” into a “Yes”. If you can ask someone for feedback, do so in a professional way – you’ll be surprised how much valuable feedback you’ll get.

4) Re-frame rejection.

Getting rejected means you’re getting closer to success. If you don’t put yourself out there, then obviously you can’t get rejected – but you also can’t move forward. Put your work out into the world, get rejected, put a smile on your face, and move on.

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Chalene’s Courageous Confidence Club:

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