In this episode, I talk to you about how to build inner strength. It doesn’t do us any good to just say “I want to be a stronger person.” You need to have the tools to be able to build your inner strength and recognize when a situation is effecting your inner strength negatively.
Topics Discussed:
- Sometimes we don’t realize that we’ve given someone the power and permission to make us feel a certain way. This podcast will teach you how to combat this and provide you with tools and tips to need to change this reaction.
- Tips for being more self-aware and learning to recognize when a negative feeling is being triggered by someone.
- Learn how to break the habit of allowing others to make you feel inferior.
- How to embrace change and fear.
- Reframe how you view your failures; they teach you how to do it better next time.
- Take time to sit with a pad of paper and a pencil and write down your priorities and values. This will help you feel more confident in the life decisions you make. Need help with this? Sign up for my free 30 day program. Link is below.
Time Codes:
00:00 Intro
1:45 I didn’t give you permission to make me feel this way.
2:30 Recognizing when this happens
3:42 Developing the tools we need to combat a hit to our inner strength.
4:40 We all have the ability to build our inner strength. This is a skill.
5:00 1st exercise, ask yourself in that moment, do I deserve to feel this way?
7:00 be self aware and notice the feelings that are happening in your body.
8:20 What to do with that common feeling.
9:00 Find a therapist to help you get trough this stuff.
10:30 How I struggled with her biggest weakness.
12:!5 My addiction to work.
14:10 My personal experience with feeling invaluable and how she talked herself through this.
18:50 Repetition of the steps.
21:10 Embrace change and fear.
21:15 Find something that scares the dust out of you and do it.
24:00 How to approach the thought of failure.
25:20 How to strengthen your inner resolve.
27:15 When faced with decisions, your goal should be to decide based on your personal priorities.
27:50 Don’t say yes to thinks that aren’t in alignment with your priorities.
30:30 simplify your decisions. Know what’s right for you.
32:20 30 day PUSH program.
35:00 The strength of your priority clarity statement.
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Helpful Resources:
For help with goal setting and determining your life’s priorities, check out Chalene’s 30 Day Push Program:
For health and fitness advice from Chalene, head to to download her FREE program with complementary workout videos!
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