In this episode, I share some of my best tips for using Facebook to grow your business.
In 2012, I picked up my toys and stormed off the Facebook playground, and off to Instagram I went. I was frustrated that I was no longer getting any engagement from my fans on Facebook, and my following wasn’t growing or helping to grow my business either.
So I proclaimed Facebook as dead and shifted my focus to Instagram. I did not want to figure out ads or have to pay for engagement. But after learning from experts in the industry, I soon realized that Facebook was NOT dead, and I needed to give it another look. Within just a few months or experimenting with new practices and ridiculously cheap ads, my engagement and growth has skyrocketed! Let me share with you what I’ve learned!
- Insights – click “Insights” at the top of your Facebook Like Page to see tehse
- Create a list of topics from your 5 most popular posts (with the most engagement/rach) over the last 6 months and expand on these
- Organic Reach = the number of people who see your post in their newsfeed; this does not track whether or not they’ve read it; this means they saw it in their newsfeed, and you did not pay for it
- Engagement = the number of ikes, shares, comments, and comments on other people’s comments under your posts
- You are 65% more likely to get engagement when you ask fans to like/share your posts
- Post something people have a strong opinion about, spark a debate (see examples in links below)
- Before you post, ask yourself: “Does this help my brand? Is this consistent with my message and who I really am?”
Links from this episode:
Social Media Experts to Learn from
- Amy Porterfield:
- Mari Smith:
- Brendon Burchard:
- Social Media Examinar Mike Stelzner:
Check out Natalie Jill on Instagram:
Example of Sparking Debate:,
Example of Sparking
Learn everything you need to know about Facebook and growing your business online:
Time Codes:
0:00 Introductory tip on the psychology of a share
1:09 Siri introduction and why Chalene loves it
1:38 Let’s talk Face-ment
2:03 Why it’s important to be an early settler in any form of social media
2:57 The definition of stupidity
4:55 The challenge of re-engaging
5:12 Time to learn and relearn
5:20 Beware of self proclaimed experts and gurus
6:53 Five secret experts who doesn’t sell that you should learn from
8:57 Tip #1 Use a Like page
9:41 Look at your Insights
10:20 What are your five most popular posts over the last six months?
10:36 Identify the commonality
11:07 What is organic reach?
12:02 Why you should care about Facebook’s algorithm?
12:56 Let’s talk Facebook Ads
13:42 Connection is your currency
14:17 Reach vs engagement
15:10 They Psychology of Facebook engagement
15:51 Here’s how can you get people to like your post on Facebook
17:23 Why comment?
17:50 Engage your community by asking their opinion
18:29 Before posting this kind of stuff, you should wear a thick skin
19:30 What if comments turn to ugly, nasty debates?
21:07 Here are inspirational pages who’s big in engagement
23:34 The case with Food Babe
26:40 The dreaded “Grammar Police”
30:16 The critical piece in an engaging post
32:42 Videos for engagement
33:26 Final thoughts