My goal in life is to share idea that will make your life easier – because I love when people share ideas with me. And, I can honestly tell you that I haven’t been this excited about a social media platform since Instagram. Periscope is a game changer and it’s perfect for my lifers because you’re just like me! You’re interested in learning and growing every day and Periscope is a place where you can get wonderful content for FREE. It’s incredible.
However, there is a lot out Periscope content out there that isn’t amazing and I want to help find the best content out there. First of all, you can follow me on Periscope and look at who I am following. I’m only going to follow people who I believe provide great, consistent content.
Also, I’m starting a search to find the best Periscopers in 11 categories. If you know somebody who you think belongs on my list, please tweet me @ChaleneJohnson with the hashtag: #DopeScope. The more ideas you guys send me, the better list we’ll have. So, let’s get to it!
Here are the 11 categories (pulled from my 30 Day Push course):
- Mental wellness (life coach, psychologist, counselor)
- Spirituality (daily prayer, meditation)
- Marriage & Partnerships
- Design/Environment/Organization
- Fitness (Little to no equipment)
- Nutrition
- Money & Investment (someone who focuses on “Smart Success”, not “Stress Success”)
- Purpose-Driven Life
- Family (“How to eat on a budget”, “How to plan vacations”)
- Comedy/Humor/Joy (Someone that is just fun to watch.)
- Personal Development/Business Development
If you want to be considered, you NEED to start scoping. (#duh) – sign up. I’ll need to look up several recent periscopes.
- At least five broadcasts that I can see (Sign up on
- Make sure that your scopes are quality (good sound quality, lighting, interactive)
- If you are selected, you have to agree that you’ll promote the other categories!
- Once a day, for at least 30 days
If you want to recommend your own periscope account, then send us an email to Use the subject line: Dope Scope. Make sure to tell us why you think people will like your periscopes.
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Hey! Did you know Build Your Tribe has been resurrected? We had so many request to revive this show, so we brought it back. Listen Now >>
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Helpful Resources:
Chalene’s Courageous Confidence Club:
This program gives you the tools you need to build confidence in every area of your life. You are supported by a group of people who are going through the program with you and are a sounding board for decisions and opportunities. This program will get you unstuck from your current situation and will teach you the steps needed to get your life in the direction you want!
For help with goal setting and determining your life’s priorities, check out Chalene’s 30 Day Push Program:
For health and fitness advice from Chalene, head to to download her FREE program with complementary workout videos!
Connect with Chalene:
Chalene on Facebook:
Chalene on Instagram:
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Chalene on Youtube:
Some of my Instagram Accounts: