Podcast – Facebook Groups | How to Monetize & Grow Your Reach at the Same Time with Bob Heilig


Build Your Business & Increase Engagement & Reach with Paid Facebook Groups

This episode is packed with tips on how to monetize your Facebook group and increase engagement on Facebook using groups. Chalene’s guest, network marketing expert, Bob Heilig – a graduate of Marketing Impact Academy – is on track to make 3 million dollars this year just from his paid Facebook groups alone! It’s possible to profit from your Facebook groups IF you do it right and actually serve people. Whether you’re a network marketer or someone who simply wants to make money sharing their expertise, in this episode, Bob breaks down exactly how to use Facebook groups to build your business and increase engagement and visibility on Facebook despite the most recent algorithm changes.

If you want to use Facebook to get more clients, more money, and more business, this episode is for you! Who knew you could charge for Facebook groups and actually profit from them? In this episode, you’ll learn why with the most recent algorithm changes, all the action happens in groups, not on your Like Page.


What You Will Learn In This Podcast on How to Monetize Facebook Groups:

  • One BIG reason why you should consider using Facebook groups as part of your business building strategy. (4:44)
  • How Facebook is shifting and now encouraging members to join groups. (5:00)
  • Why posting content in groups is different from posting on a like page, and how that content is more likely to be seen. Why groups are a better place to start building your following if you’re just starting out. (6:20)
  • Examples of how you can monetize your Facebook groups. (8:23)
  • Common mistakes people are making in Facebook groups and why you should avoid doing “VIP customer” groups. (10:00)
  • Why your paid Facebook groups must have a bigger purpose besides simply marketing your product. (11:08)
  • Why groups are so much more powerful than a Like Page. (11:28)
  • If you should continually start new groups or just use one. (13:00)
  • What to do when your groups get out of hand and how to overcome the fact that most people feel like they’re already a part of too many groups. (13:42)
  • What to do if you’re not 100% clear on the product or business you want to market, but you’re considering charging for a Facebook group to serve a specialized community by sharing your expertise. (16:40)
  • How to incorporate messenger bots to increase engagement in your groups. (19:50)
  • The number 1 reason people cancel memberships and how paid Facebook groups can help with customer retention. (20:34)
  • How Bob started a monetized Facebook group just 6 months ago and is on track to make 3 million dollars with it this year. (21:00)
  • If it’s a time suck to allow people to post in a Facebook group that you charge for and why strict rules and guidelines are necessary. (22:14)
  • What to do if you already have a large Facebook group you want to monetize. (30:48)
  • Why the people who consume your free stuff could be your worst customers. (36:15)
  • Recommendations and resources for paid Facebook group best practices. (38:27)
  • Bob’s key to success for any business. (41:22)

It’s no coincidence that many of the experts on my show are star pupils in Marketing Impact Academy. I think as teachers, when we have awesome students, we have an obligation to share their stories.

If you’re a Marketing Impact Academy grad, and you have a story or expertise you want to share, please reach out to bret@chalenejohnson.com.

I really enjoyed this interview and hope you have as much fun listening as I did asking the questions! Successfully doing business online is all about finding a need and filling it. That’s how we can make a difference in the world, make money doing it, and never feel like we’re working!

Facebook Groups | How to Monetize and Grow your Reach at the same time with Bob Heilig

Important Links for Monetizing Your Facebook Groups & Increasing Engagement

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Without it ever feeling like work.

For More of Bob’s Tips on Monetizing Facebook Groups:

Bob’s website: 

Bob’s Podcast – Your Virtual Upline:

Bob’s Online Academy:

Click here to subscribe to Build Your Tribe.


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