Protecting yourself online needs to be a priority. Do not dismiss this as something that happens to others. Do not put this off. You need to secure your information…your privacy. Please please please forward this episode to anyone you know whose using the Internet to promote their business!
I’m not going to sugar coat it… this is going to take some time. But your laziness makes the hackers job really easily.
Steps to protecting yourself:
#1 – you MUST update the software on all of your programs and apps
#2 – download a password manager
#3 – figure out if your email program has any security risks.
#4 – change your icloud settings
#5 – set a passcode for your phone – if you’re able to, use a finger print
#6 – turn off the mail app on your phone
#7 – turn off the location services for each app
#8 – disconnect apps that connect and share to your social media accounts
#9 – set up 2-factor authentication on all of the social media accounts that allow it.
*** Each of these steps in discussed in detail on the podcast ***
– Set up 2 factor authentication.
– Change your passwords and security question answers using your password manager.
– Look at your personal and like page and update your privacy settings.
– Remove posts with personal information.
– Disconnect or delete apps connected to your facebook account. Don’t give any additional app access to your facebook.
– Never log in to instagram unless you are doing it from your password manager.
– Check the phone number attached to your twitter account.
– Update and secure the email your have associated to your account. Change to a provider with double authentication.
– Disconnect any and all apps that are connected to your twitter account.
– Update your password through your password manager.
– Delete anything with too much info.
– Update the settings for phone notifications. That way if anything happens on your account a notification will be sent to your cell phone.
Hey! Did you know Build Your Tribe has been resurrected? We had so many request to revive this show, so we brought it back. Listen Now >>
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Helpful Resources:
Chalene’s Courageous Confidence Club:
This program gives you the tools you need to build confidence in every area of your life. You are supported by a group of people who are going through the program with you and are a sounding board for decisions and opportunities. This program will get you unstuck from your current situation and will teach you the steps needed to get your life in the direction you want!
For help with goal setting and determining your life’s priorities, check out Chalene’s 30 Day Push Program:
For health and fitness advice from Chalene, head to to download her FREE program with complementary workout videos!
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