Your 2019 Documentary Bucket List
This episode is a little different. But due to many requests, Chalene shares her top 20 must watch documentaries. This is Chalene’s favorite way to bond with her husband and kids as a family… by watching documentaries and absorbing new knowledge and perspectives on the real world. You may just have to create a documentary bucket list for 2019 with all of these favorites Chalene shares.
Documentaries mentioned in this episode:
(Top 10 to Rent on Amazon)
- The Dawn Wall
- 3 Identical Strangers
- Eating You Alive
- Abducted in Plain Sight
- Transformer
- Won’t You Be My Neighbor
- Heal
- Alive Inside
- Wolf Pack
(Top Ten Found on Netflix)
- The Frye Festival
- American Meme
- Pet Fooled
- Magic Pill
- Root Cause
- Gaga: Five Foot Two
- Making of a Murderer: Part 2
- The Staircase
- The Keepers
- Thin Blue Line
Important Links from this Episode:
Link to Pre-Order Chalene’s New Book: GO HERE
If you enjoyed listening to this episode, check out Episode 356 – Protecting Our Children from Sexual Predators | Why We Must Believe Our Children
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