Today’s episode is hot-off-the-presses from last night’s Live Webinar with Bret and I. And it’s absolutely essential listening if you’re an employee of any kind (e.g., independent contractor, full time salary, part time, hourly, etc.). In our usual real and candid way, we’ll break down the historic Stimulus Package and tell you everything you need to know from the employee’s perspective. Whether you still have a job (but it’s starting to feel precarious) or you’ve been laid off, furloughed, or terminated… this show is a must listen! That is, if you’re looking to truly stand out in this unprecedented moment in all of our lives.
You’ll find out…
- What the different benefit packages within the Stimulus Package look like
- The only people guaranteed $1200 with the CARES Act
- Which group is getting unemployment benefits for the 1st time in our nation’s history
- What happens now if you take money out of your retirement funds (401K, IRA, etc.) that has never happened before
- Where the riskiest place to be is
- What the Stimulus Package really encourages employers to do
- What you should do immediately if you get laid off
- Your wakeup call if you’ve been furloughed
- The last thing you want to do in our current economic state
- Which space just got insanely competitive and how to stand out in it
- A special word to my current Marketing Impact Academy students and prospective students
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If you liked this episode, check out Episode #551 – Coping With A World Flipped Upside Down
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