How to Spot a Fraud or a Phony When Collaborating

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Collaborations can be an incredible way to grow your brand, but they also come with risks, especially when you’re working with someone you don’t know well. The rise of influencer marketing has unfortunately also led to the increase of frauds and phonies who fake their influence to land collaborations. In a recent episode, I discussed how to spot a fraud or a phony before you commit to a collaboration that could damage your brand.

Check Their Engagement, Not Just Their Follower Count

One of the most common mistakes people make when choosing collaborators is focusing too much on follower count. It’s easy to be impressed by someone with a large following, but numbers can be deceiving. Many influencers buy followers or use bots to inflate their numbers. Instead of focusing on how many followers someone has, pay attention to their engagement rates—likes, comments, shares, and how they interact with their audience.

Tools to Analyze Engagement

  • Social Blade: This tool allows you to track the growth and engagement statistics of an influencer over time. Look for consistent engagement and sudden spikes in followers, which could indicate purchased followers.
  • Not Just Analytics: This platform provides detailed analytics on engagement rates, follower authenticity, and more. It’s a great way to dig deeper into an influencer’s social media presence.

Look for Authenticity in Their Content

Authenticity is key when it comes to influencer collaborations. Review their content to see if it aligns with their follower count and engagement. Are they getting genuine comments, or do the comments look like spam? Do they have a mix of positive and negative feedback, which is normal, or are all comments overly positive and generic?

Red Flags to Watch For

  • Generic or Repetitive Comments: If most of the comments on their posts are generic or repetitive, that could be a sign they’re not engaging with a real audience.
  • Low-Quality Content: If their content looks low-quality or lacks originality, they may not have the influence they claim.
  • Inconsistent Posting: Authentic influencers tend to post consistently. If there are long gaps between posts, that could be another red flag.

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Review Their Past Collaborations

Another way to spot a fraud or a phony is by reviewing their past collaborations. Reach out to brands or influencers they’ve worked with before to get feedback on their experience. Did they deliver on their promises? Were they easy to work with? This kind of due diligence can save you from potential headaches down the road.

Tips for Reaching Out

  • Be Professional: When contacting past collaborators, be respectful and professional. Explain that you’re considering a collaboration and would appreciate their honest feedback.
  • Ask Specific Questions: Inquire about the results of the collaboration, the influencer’s work ethic, and whether they would recommend working with them.

Trust Your Instincts

If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your instincts when evaluating potential collaborators. If you’re getting a bad vibe or if anything about the influencer seems too good to be true, take a step back and reassess. It’s better to be cautious and protect your brand than to rush into a collaboration that could end up being a costly mistake.


Spotting a fraud or a phony before collaborating can save you time, money, and potential damage to your brand. By focusing on engagement, authenticity, past collaborations, and trusting your instincts, you can make more informed decisions and choose partners who truly align with your values and goals.

If you’re looking for more tips on how to navigate social media and grow your brand, consider joining InstaClubHub for only $7. It’s packed with resources to help you thrive on Instagram, including how to spot and avoid fraudulent influencers.

Taking the time to thoroughly vet your collaborators will not only protect your brand but also ensure that your partnerships are genuine and mutually beneficial.


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