One of the most popular episodes of The Chalene Show from this past year was a 2-parter — 1 with me and 1 with Bret — on Keeping Passion and Intimacy Alive. So, I thought it would be fun to take the best of both parts and combine them into one show! This way, you get both of our very unique perspectives in one easy listen! I think you’ll find it super useful, honest and enjoyable! And a little bit sexy.
You’ll hear (with personal anecdotes)…
- How to / when to compliment your partner
- Why it’s imperative to know your partner’s love language
- How to keep the spark alive in a relationship
- Why and how to date your spouse
- The importance of physical touch
- My bedtime ritual (that Bret really appreciates)
- Expressing a positive thought to your significant other as soon as it enters your head
- Why and how therapy is so critical to a healthy relationship
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If you liked this episode, check out Episode #415 – How to Build Closeness in a Relationship
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