If we’re just getting to know each other, I want to take this opportunity to introduce myself to you. I wanted to take this podcast episode to share my story with you. With that said, I want to know about YOU too! Please leave me a comment below, and tell me about you!
So I grew up in Michigan, the daughter of an entrepreneur. What was so amazing about my upbringing was that it taught me to just go for things in life and to JUST DO IT! I learned at a young age that I could recreate myself and offer specific services to people through my strengths. At a young age I had a strong entrepreneurial spirit. My degree is in Justice Morality and constitutional democracy and while in college I met my husband, Bret Johnson. We met a week after he transferred to Michigan State. After graduating, we jumped in my Honda and drove to California where I started as a paralegal. My goal was to pursue a law degree. To keep myself busy, I started teaching fitness classes, and surprisingly… I was not good!!! Funny right! So I just started taking classes from great instructors and learning what made them great. Eventually I did get hired and my classes started to grow. Around this same time, I started to really not enjoy being a paralegal. So I started a personal training outsourcing company teaching other trainers to train people at home. I also started teaching this class that I called TurboKick. It was a mix of hip-hop, kickboxing, and anaerobic drills. I started realizing that group fitness
instructors were spending an incredible amount of time putting together their classes, and what If I did that for them!? So I started creating workouts and eventually Bret ended up leaving his job so we could work together to build this business. We started our certification company and we were teaching other instructors this style. Our business grew and we started to build a culture around TurboKick. Success unfortunately brought on such an overwhelming sense of obligation to so many people and I was unable to invest time in my family. My health and my relationships started to suffer. I found myself unhappy distant and not sure what to do and how to fix it.
So Bret and I created a blueprint to dissemble the prison I had built around us. We realized that we needed to sell our company to someone that could continue what I had created and honor it. Eventually we sold our company to BeachBody. We continue to work with BeachBody and we still are involved in making sure things follow our original vision. This has allowed us to live our lives! We now have our company Team Johnson in which we teach and help others to avoid the pitfalls we experienced. The Internet has allowed us to build a secondary business that has purpose and I can follow my calling and share what I’ve learned with other people. We now have peace, and are able to live the life we’ve imagined. We’re able to be present with each other and our kids. I’m a woman of faith, a wife, a mom, and a sister.
Want more great tips and resources on improving balance, energy, organization, health fitness, relationships, focus, faith and happiness? Each episode of my podcast, The Chalene Show is designed to give you strategies and simple steps you can implement today to become a better, more balanced, happier version of yourself. LISTEN NOW!
Hey! Did you know Build Your Tribe has been resurrected? We had so many request to revive this show, so we brought it back. Listen Now >> https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/build-your-tribe-creating/id910990031?mt=2
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Helpful Resources:
Chalene’s Courageous Confidence Club: www.courageousconfidenceclub.com
This program gives you the tools you need to build confidence in every area of your life. You are supported by a group of people who are going through the program with you and are a sounding board for decisions and opportunities. This program will get you unstuck from your current situation and will teach you the steps needed to get your life in the direction you want!
For help with goal setting and determining your life’s priorities, check out Chalene’s 30 Day Push Program: www.30daypush.com
For health and fitness advice from Chalene, head to www.cj7day.com to download her FREE program with complementary workout videos!
Connect with Chalene:
Chalene on Facebook: www.facebook.com/chalene
Chalene on Periscope: follow @chalenejohnson >> You can catch my Periscope replays at www.katch.me/chalenejohnson
Chalene on Instagram: www.instagram.com/chalenejohnson
Chalene on Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/chalenejohnson
Chalene on Twitter: www.twitter.com/chalenejohnson
Chalene on Youtube: www.youtube.com/chalenejohnson
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