We’re Stuck And Need Your Help

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Stepping into difficult business conversations can make anyone’s palms sweat, but when it’s about the direction of a show like Build Your Tribe, it feels like a tightrope walk above a crowd of expectations. Right now, there’s a tug-of-war happening between our buzzing YouTube content and the rich, in-depth conversations our podcast listeners love. 

So, here’s the scoop: you’ve got the power to tip the scales, and your insights are the missing puzzle piece we need to align our content strategy with your interests.

Take a moment to have your say through our 1-minute survey and keep reading to find out how your feedback is the cornerstone of our growth.

Facing Our Content Crossroads

The challenge is real: navigating the divergent currents of YouTube buzzwords and podcast depth has us spinning the compass for true north in content creation. Some days, YouTube’s algorithm seems to be craving behind-the-scenes secrets on beating the odds with SEO magic and viral visuals. 

Meanwhile, our podcast family tunes in for the meatier stuff – the strategies and personal stories that fuel an entrepreneur’s journey. Striking the right balance feels like aiming for a moving target, and that’s why your perspective is vital.

Balancing Act: Your Survey Says…

We’re in this together, and your voice has never been more critical. Consider this your invitation to become a co-creator in our digital community. With just 60 seconds of your time, your feedback on our survey will set the stage for the upcoming episodes. You’ll be the influencer behind our content, shaping our shared space with what you find most valuable.

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How Your Feedback Fuels Our Future

Ever wondered if your opinion could influence a whole community? It can, and here’s how. This survey is more than just a questionnaire; it’s a collaboration. Your choices will steer the ship as we delve into the trends and tactics that make the social media world tick for YouTube while ensuring the podcast keeps its soul with entrepreneurial insights and strategies.

We Need Your Help: Charting the Course with Your Input

It’s decision time: do we dive deeper into the realms of social media mastery and platform-specific strategies, or do we hold fast to our foundational mix of all things business and marketing? The survey is your stage to direct us. Are you ready to play the role of producer and broadcast your vote?

We’re committed to transparency, so we’ll be sharing what you and your fellow listeners are leaning towards. It’s all about building a tribe that not only thrives but also resonates with the heartbeats of its members – you.

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Growing With Your Guidance

Your time is currency, and investing just a minute with us pays off in content tailored to your taste. Whether you’re jogging with earbuds in, commuting with car speakers on, or setting up your workspace with YouTube as your backdrop, your insights are what will keep us relevant and resonant.

Make Your Mark on ‘Build Your Tribe’

Your input is more than valuable – it’s transformative. It’s about turning individual feedback into collective progress. Tell us what makes your ears perk and your mind engage. 

Your insights will guide us as we craft content that grows with you and for you. Because together, we’re not just creating a podcast; we’re fostering a movement of savvy, forward-thinking trailblazers. Let’s shape the future of Build Your Tribe with your unique voice – loud, clear, and full of impact.


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