The Difference Between Quitting and Moving On

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I wish someone had told me a long time ago that there’s a huge difference between moving on and quitting. They are not the same thing. Too many entrepreneurs won’t let go of a ship that is sinking because they do not want to be a “quitter.”

Be smart and know when it’s time to cut your losses.

Quitting is Not The Same as Moving On and Knowing the Difference

Only think of yourself as quitting when you are, indeed, quitting. When you’re like,

“Okay, well, I tried to build a business and it failed. So, now I have no choice to go back to my 9 to 5.”

Bottom line: The only way you’re quitting is if you stop trying to do that thing you want to do — period.

However, if you need to be able to provide some security for your family by falling back on a job to pay the bills — while you continue to build your passion business back up — that’s totally understandable.

And, in my mind, would actually be an example of moving on — not quitting. Think of it as a temporary shift, if you will.

Picture it: There’s a pandemic. You own a small boutique gym and your governor isn’t opening up any time soon. And month after month after month you’re incurring lease costs (and who knows what else).

Hence, your business is bleeding you dry and there’s no real relief in sight. Not to mention, looking into the future makes it dramatically clear that things will be operating very different for gyms.

Instead of Quitting Practice Moving On in Business

Instead of quitting, shift to another type of business.

You could always go back to your passion for owning a gym later, if you like! Or something else entirely!

But to hold on no matter what — far longer than you know you should — because you don’t want be seen as / thought of / feel like a quitter… doesn’t make you a smart entrepreneur.

Being unable to let go just means that your ego is stronger than your common sense. So, listen to your gut and know when it’s time to practice moving on.

This blog just covers ONE of the six things I wish someone had told me about being in business way back in the day! For the rest of the list, you must check out The Chalene Show episode below:

And don’t forget to subscribe to TCS for weekly shows dedicated to your overall success — health, happiness, productivity, wellness, relationships and so on!


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