There’s a lot of debate out there about TIME. Do we we feel like we’re short on it because we sincerely are? Is it an illusion? Perception? Lack of proper planning? I mean, haven’t we all – at some point – uttered the expression: “there just aren’t enough hours in the day!” to illustrate this feeling of morning turning into night in just minutes? Breaking news: The main culprit here isn’t an absence of time. But, instead, a self-imposed mentality that squashes your productivity. No matter what the clock says. Listen, in today’s Snapshot, I happen to have one such example for you proving that with the right frame of mind combined with a bit of strategy… there’s no telling what you can accomplish! And, as you’ll see, that includes getting cute in record time! What else awaits? Well, several frank chats focused around your personal development, like: why we have a negative mindset, how to beat feeling overwhelmed, and inaccurate self perceptions. Okay, Lifers! Let’s get cute…
Life Hack – How To Look Cute With No Effort
What is the key difference between being busy and productive? I mean, it’s effortless to find yourself all kinds of busy. I’m guessing you’re busy while reading this! Whether it’s responding to texts, checking email, scouring Amazon for those new workout tights, refreshing your Podcast subscriptions, looking up the weather in that distant country you’re traveling to next YEAR, bingeing your newest Netflix fave, or religiously staying up-to-date with the news… being busy can feel quite productive.
But busyness will never be productivity.
The main distinction, Lifers, is that mindless busyness is a piece of cake to slip into and productivity requires a system! This can be achieved with a bit of streamlining and strategic planning.
Honestly, ladies, this next clip features a scenario I’m guessing you’ll all relate to. The day has gotten away from you, and now you have to show up to something looking like a million bucks. Allow me to prove to you that with a bit of improvisation AND a game plan, you can still appear at your most beauteous. Who needs to know you never showered after your early morning workout? Ain’t nobody got time for that!
Although important once in a while, let’s get away from overdoing senseless procrastination and back onto the highway to productivity! Have you invested in your SmartLife PUSH Journals yet? 250,000 people (that’s a quarter of a freakin’ million!) swear by this life-changing system to ensure you master your life – from health to finances to relationships to career to spirituality – just 90 days at a time! What are you waiting for? Like, really!? Pick up your set TODAY!
Personal Development Chat – Why We Have A Negative Mindset
Do you think it’s legit possible to craft the life you desire with just your thinking? While there are always other components, I’m here to tell you that whatever you believe, eventually, becomes your reality. If you think you’re going to be successful, you will be. If you think you’re relationship will end, it will. If you think you’re going to hit that tree on your way down the ski slope, you will. Listen: Your mindset is everything. If you want a better outcome, you have to TRULY believe it.
And I’m going to go one step further here. While this might sound a little hippie-dippy to some, hear me out… I want you to be grateful for what you can’t see yet. Live in that space of gratitude for what you want. Let’s say it’s a new home. Every day, I want you to believe you are in this home. See it. Imagine making food for the family in your glorious kitchen. What it’s like to wake up your kids every day in this beautiful space. You have to FEEL it. I’m telling you, my friend… the Universe will do magical things to reward and align with your thinking. #manifest
Now, it just seems to me that the majority of people have a sort of default negative disposition thing going on. And I have a theory as to why that is. Check out this video because it may help you (or whoever you share it with) get on the right track to a more happy and productive life!
Personal Development Chat – How To Beat Feeling Overwhelmed
While we’re on the subject of feeling things in your gut… I really encourage you to stick with this philosophy when it comes to planning your goals. Most often, people are all about dreaming of one day attaining material things. They neglect, though, the WHY behind having such things. Trust me, you’ll soon realize that the majority of the time your reasoning doesn’t actually line up with all those fancy objects you fantasize about. In the end, it needs to be about what you will feel, not what you have.
You know, we’re all doing our best and can lose focus once in a while. Just this past week, Bret and I were feeling a bit overwhelmed in our business. Our energies were just off. So, it was time to go back to the drawing board and practice what I preach (and teach) — Smart Success. Hit that play to find out how we beat the overwhelm and how you can, too!
Personal Development Chat – When We Have Inaccurate Self Perceptions
Have you ever pondered over the fact that how you’re seen by others may be totally different than the image you think you’re portraying? You might think this to be a trivial question, but, I gotta tell you, it’s a serious thing.
The day we begin contemplating this, we understand that perhaps people don’t view us in the same light we view ourselves.
We’re human, meaning… we’re probably often in our heads about what we’re trying to convey about ourselves to the world. Sometimes, though, we don’t have to guess how we’re perceived. People will tell you. But how do you know when it’s legit feedback to truly consider or just let it go? Well, as per usual, I’ve got a thought or 5 on the subject…
Oh! I can’t really divulge too much information about this yet – as it’s still in the planning phase – but we’re starting a private group for those of you who are up to date with my Podcasts, The Chalene Show & Build Your Tribe! You’re going to want to make sure you’re totally caught up on all the episodes (that’s a prerequisite), so get on it! It’s going to be an awesome place to bond with like-minded peeps! More info coming next week!
Thanks for spending time with me on this week’s Snapshot! Don’t forget, all the clips here come from Snapchat! If you’re looking for realness, funny, and inspiration – on the daily – then get on it and follow me on the Snap!
3 responses to “Snapshot | How To Look Cute With No Effort”
I like your how to look cute with no effort. That’s basically me in pajamas and my hair is done and my makeup is fresh and simple. Seriously made me laugh to see I’m not the only one.
Oh boy! I’m excited about the private super-caught-up-on-your-podcasts group! I even go back and relisten to episodes that I need to hear again. Podcasts are my favorite way of learning.
Thanks for everything you do.
MIA student
Love to listen and learn from you, just started listening to your pod casts!
Thanks for being the best example ever:)