As Seen on Instagram Feed, 5 Minutes To Strong Abs & Back!
A common misconception when it comes to strengthening your core is that you need to get down on the floor, lay on your back, and do a zillion crunches. No, no, no!
What this does, ladies, is tone the outer layer of your abs. Which isn’t bad, but you really want to incorporate all layers. And to do this you have to give functional exercises a go. Like, push ups! Believe it or not, push ups are going to target all of your core muscles from the front to the back.
I’m also a big fan of fun toys that make working out as different, fresh and exciting as possible…
Cue: BOSU Ball!
As you’ll see in this week’s featured video, I use this awesome toy (I prefer the pink one, but sometimes we have to settle) while implementing pseudo push up exercises! In under 5 minutes, 3x / week… you’ll find your abs and back much stronger in no time!
As Heard on The Chalene Show, Bringing Awareness To Eating Disorders
In honor of National Eating Disorders Awareness Week, I’ve decided to dedicate your pod highlight to this growing crisis. I’ll dispel some of the myths associated with this topic while, also, addressing its ugly reality and dark secrets.
If you need help:
In other podcast gems:
- Understanding Adult Children of Alcoholics or Addicts – ACOA with Jody Lamb (Monday, The Chalene Show)
- How to Increase Engagement on Instagram (Tuesday, Build Your Tribe)
- Unhitching From the Shame and Codependency of Alcoholics and Addicts with Jody Lamb (Wednesday, The Chalene Show)
- Turn Your Knowledge Into Profit with Lisa Sasevich (Thursday, Build Your Tribe)
Use Code: GOALDIGGER15 for 15% off everything!
As Seen on IGTV, Grow Your Instagram With This IGTV Update!
If you’ve been struggling to bring your IG back to life, attract new followers and spread your message with Instagram — IGTV is A FREAKING MUST! So many cool updates — including a super cool hack that allows EVERYONE to add a clickable link to their feed post! Hit that play and find out what’s up, Lifers!
We covered fitness, mental health, growing your brand, and social media hacks! I mean, where else you gonna find that in 2020!? I’ll wait.