Short Hair Top Knot Tutorial

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Parents Quote


Featured podcast of the week: Advice For Parents Of Teens

In this episode, I tackle questions from listeners that revolve around the subject of parenting. Specifically, in regard to teenagers. You’ll hear myriad questions answered, like: How do you handle teens and their use of social media? What do you do when your daughter wants to dress inappropriately? What is the best age to give your kids their own phone? Can you brainwash your child into doing the right thing? Today, I take on these goodies and so much more!


For other podcast gems:

Tips to Create Scalability in Your Business with Brock Johnson | Quick Tip Tuesday (Build Your Tribe)

My Son’s Perspective on My Parenting with Brock and Chalene Johnson (Wednesday, The Chalene Show)

Chalene and Brock Take Your Questions (Thursday, Build Your Tribe)

Have Bigger Bolder Dreams | CarSmart Edition (Friday, The Chalene Show)


How Exactly Does The 131 Method Work? 

Misinformation on nutrition and health seems at its highest these days. With everyone and their grandmother on social media, it’s not too hard to find bad information. One video on health goes mini viral and… the rest is history. It doesn’t matter that the data was based on incomplete or misleading or faulty science. The clip made it to Facebook, yo! And that’s, apparently, good enough for millions and millions of people.

Cut to: Your health never getting any better.

But 131 Method sings a different tune. The information in EVERY post/blog/video/lesson is backed up by credentials and a plethora of resources. The content is continually updated with the newest science. And – BEST PART – it’s available to everybody!

That said, there continues to be some questions about the program. Like, how does it differ from the book and is the site easy to navigate, etc.? Listen, your health is my #1 priority these days, so I just felt the need to break it all down for you this past week. Check out the following video if your main goal in life is to feel and look good… because 131 Method is your ticket to health success…


And big news! I’ve extended the book + 131 deal! If you didn’t hear about it… when you purchase 131 Method up until 11:59pm on Sunday, the 4th (August), you’ll receive a FREE 131 Method book! It’s the most well-reviewed book on health in 2019! Don’t miss out before it’s too late! SIGN UP FOR 131 NOW and get your FREE book!


Short Hair Top Knot (Messy Bun) Tutorial

Short hair styles seem to be all the rage lately, right?! While they’re super cute, they can also be difficult to style. Trust me, I know first hand. But, newsflash: I’ve found the ultimate hair hack when it comes to getting short hair into a ponytail! See this next video for undeniable proof…


Want more girlie hacks? Let me know in the comments below!




6 responses to “Short Hair Top Knot Tutorial”

  1. Hey girlie!
    I was Pebbles, lol, that wore her hair that way! Bam Bam was the little boy of Betty and Barney that she played with! I know my Flintstones lol!

  2. I love you Chalene – you’re real, you’re honest, I learn a ton, and you make me laugh! Keep tellin’ it like it is. 🙂

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