5 Tips For How To “Sell” To Your Audience
The reason I used quotes around the word sell above, is that the idea of selling a product or brand to your fans/audience/lifers/subscribers/email list… is plain wrong. A better word, I think, is promoting. But more than anything, it’s about wrapping your brain around the fact that you’re actually just sharing useful information. And, then, encouraging a next step.
When we think of a sell, it feels icky. Like we’re a door to door salesman. As if we’re just cold calling people or all we care about is the money. So, before you get more comfortable selling on social media, I’d recommend to simply change your mindset about selling altogether.
Tip #1: Practice
If you’re too hard on yourself to ever try to sell, then you’ll never become a better salesman. Just start trying to sell to your audience (after deploying some of the tips and strategies I’m sharing with you in this blog). Once you begin testing those waters, you’ll get a strong sense of how/what to improve.
People need your expertise, so you shouldn’t feel ashamed in offering it.
Tip #2: Testimonials
Basically, let someone else do the work for you. Let your past customers or clients do the selling by sharing a testimonial – whether it’s amazing results, or a before and after, or just general feedback on their experience in working with you.
Testimonials are a great way to sell because it’s literally not coming from your mouth. Of course you’re going to say great things about your product. It’s your product! If you didn’t believe how awesome it was, why would you be selling it? Don’t we all (often) feel a lack of trust when we’re listening to someone praise their very own product?
But, when you can share with your peeps real results from someone else, it makes it so much more authentic. The trust factor jumps up, exponentially, in the mind of your potential customer.
Back in the day (and even to this day), infomercials will hire full-on video sets, hair, makeup, and craft services to shoot professional looking testimonials.
But today, on Instagram, for example, it’s way too freakin’ easy to do this. No one needs a crew anymore. All one has to do is record a 15 second video for their Instagram Story, tag you in it, and then YOU instantly share that to your own story! Not to mention, reposts, screenshots, or re-shares on your Instagram feed.
Tip #3: Tell a story
Storytelling is such a powerful way to connect with people and move them. Use a story to motivate people you’re selling to.
The most practical way you might do this is to tell the story of how you came up with the product or service you’re offering. Tell a story about the problem or issue that your product solved for you. You won’t even have to sell. In the general sense, anyway.
What are the fourth and fifth ways to sell without selling? Honestly, #4 is my fave altogether! Well, you’ll have to CLICK HERE for my super popular podcast on this vey topic! Not only will you hear the remaining 2 – can’t miss – tips… but you’ll hear far more detail and personal anecdotes to ensure you’re on your way to being a pro at “selling” to your audience across all your social media platforms!