Why Instagram Direct Message Automation is Important

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You might be familiar with direct message automation on Instagram. This is something that isn’t new to the platform. Automating the direct messages is something that has been around for a while, but sneaking in through back doors behind Instagram’s back.

And, in all honesty, most automation that has taken place on Instagram over the last 10 years has been against their rules. Perhaps even illegal.

But now Instagram has officially partnered with a few companies, allowing them to begin to automate part of the direct messages.

Instagram Direct Message Automation is Allowed in 2021

Why Instagram Direct Message Automation is Important

If you get so many messages for your business — causing you to take hours to respond to your DMs — this tool can absolutely help you. But (and this is a crucial but)… that is not the only use for it.

Instagram direct message automation is a way to significantly increase your conversion rate in the DMs. Let’s put that into normal human speak.

It’s a way for you to make a lot more money through direct messages by strategically turning your followers into customers.

So, whether you have 10 followers or 10 million followers, this is something that can benefit all of us. Bottom line: No account is too big or too small!

Don’t over-automate.

Obviously, you don’t want every single conversation to sound disingenuous. I mean, you might be thinking:

  • Won’t people unfollow me?
  • Doesn’t it really feel dehumanizing?
  • I’ll sound like a robot!

And that is true — if you overuse it.

Don't Overuse Instagram Direct Message Automation

99% of the time when someone sends me a message on Instagram, it’s still me responding to it. The 1% of the time that’s an exception is when I tell people, for example,

Send me the word #_____ and I’ll send you the link to my podcast.

In this scenario, I don’t try to pretend it’s me, personally. I don’t try to cover up the fact that it was a robot. And so, because I make it super clear that it’s my automation responding to them with an immediate link, they’re appreciative.

You’re not losing your authenticity if you’re remaining transparent.

For much more related to this topic, including:

  • How Brock, my son, recently utilized IG automation
  • The automation tool I use and prefer
  • Where sales really happen on Instagram

Then check out this episode of Build Your Tribe:

And don’t forget to subscribe to BYT for weekly episodes dedicated to your social media growth!


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