Overcoming Imposter Syndrome to Build a Thriving Business

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Ever felt like an impostor at the helm of your own business? Questioned your worthiness despite knowing your stuff? I’ve been there too, and in episode #724 of “Build Your Tribe,” I opened up about these very feelings. From my days launching fitness programs to establishing the Marketing Impact Academy, that haunting sensation of imposter syndrome lingered, making me wonder if I was cut out for all this.

It’s not just about me, though.

That’s why I shed light on some universal truths that many entrepreneurs grapple with and share strategies that helped me reclaim confidence. Let me walk you through how to harness your unique essence, the art of delegating effectively, and above all, how to not let the imposter syndrome cast a shadow over your brand’s genuine potential.

My Own Dance with Imposter Syndrome and Doubt

Throughout different stages in my life, I’ve wrestled with feeling like an impostor. Recollections of being a newbie wife and mom bring back those very insecurities. As I ventured into the fitness world and then birthed the Marketing Impact Academy, I constantly felt on the edge, fearing someone would “expose” me.

Yet, one of the most liberating realizations was accepting that no entrepreneur ever feels fully prepared from the get-go. The trepidation, the doubts – they’re part of the package. It’s about channeling them positively and realizing that while you might not know everything, you surely know more than someone just starting out.

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Strategies for a Confident Entrepreneurial Mindset

My journey led me to a few pivotal mindset shifts:

  • Watch what you tell yourself. It’s crucial for entrepreneurs to see their worth. Kick out any self-deprecating beliefs.
  • Fake it ’til you make it. Begin by emulating those you respect. With time, infuse it with your authentic touch.
  • Avoid the comparison game. Every entrepreneur’s path is different. Stay in your lane.
  • Embrace your quirks. The little things that set you apart are your assets. Let them shine.
  • Stay the course through hiccups. Persistence, more often than not, is what differentiates the successful from the quitters.


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Building a Stellar Business Team

One secret to elevating your game? Surround yourself with a stellar team. Identify your gaps, then bring in the pros. The more you can delegate, the more mental space you create for the big vision. My aim has always been to be the least experienced on my team. Heck, even my daughter Cierra is tapping into this magic as she ventures into her beauty brand.

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Want to delve deeper into my strategies and personal anecdotes?

Tune into the full episode:

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