How To Feel Comfortable and Confident in Social Situations

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Picture it: You’re about to enter a social situation, feeling comfortable and confident. And, out of nowhere, you start to get in your head. Anxious! Nervous! Awkward! Self conscious! But wait, what happened?! You seemed fine just seconds ago!

We’ve all been there, right?

So, what’s the #1 thing you can do turn it around? Or better yet, prevent it from happening at all?

How to Feel Comfortable in Social Situations and Prevent Nervous

How To Feel Comfortable and Confident in Social Situations

Whether it’s a planned encounter, like…

  • Wedding
  • Zoom meeting
  • Networking event
  • Dinner with future in-laws

…or a surprise interaction, like…

  • Walking into Starbucks
  • Standing in line at the grocery store 
  • Out of the blue phone call

If you start to notice yourself thinking…

“Oh gosh, here we go again! I’m starting to feel uneasy about these conversations! I don’t want to be here! Can I just disappear!?”

…then, I want you create a plan. Yeah, that’s it.

Jotting Down Notes for A Plan will Help you Comfortable Social Situations
Having a plan will prevent you from just blindly walking into social situations and becoming less and less comfortable.

It can be as simple as jotting down a few notes. Or, sometimes, on the spot, creating the plan in your head. Heck, you can even use Google for these situations when you feel like you’re a horrible conversationalist.

Personal anecdote: I need to put things on paper or at least type out a few ideas on a note app in my phone. When doing that, I feel so much more relaxed and at ease. 

Did you know that the most confident speakers and casual conversationalists come in with a plan 90% of the time!?

Now, eventually you’re going to get so good at this, you won’t need to write your plan down; it’ll just be on autopilot. 

Create a Plan to be Comfortable in Social Settings
But from now on, when you know you’re about to engage in whatever scenario has you nervous and feeling insecure about yourself, start with a plan.

Ok great, Chalene, but WHAT exactly should this plan entail?

I’m glad you asked! For THAT, the skills you need to learn in order to feel more comfortable in social situations and:

  • The role body language plays in confidence
  • Suggestions on an opening line / conversation starter
  • The ONE simple shift that’ll get you communicating with more confidence
  • How we make people more confident
  • The power of asking questions
  • Performance mode VS connection mode
  • Mistakes people make in conversation

Then, check out this episode of The Chalene Show:

And don’t forget to subscribe to TCS for weekly shows dedicated to you living your absolute best life!


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